
Tavern, the Kallia family restaurant.

Nick Kallias* -- owner of Taverna, the best restaurant in Pine Lake
Helen Kallias -- Nick's wife; works at Taverna
Selena -- oldest daughter of Nick and Helen; part-time model
Tiana -- youngest daughter of Nick and Helen; high school student

The Adams' House

Blake Adams* -- independently wealthy investor
Genevra Adams -- Blake's wife; owner and editor of "Pine Heart"
David -- oldest son of Blake and Genevra; works for his father
Whitney -- daughter of Blake and Genevra; tends bar at Taverna
Billy -- youngest son of Blake and Genevra

Claire Monroe* -- ER nurse; single mother of adult son, Biff; scorned by some because she's never revealed the identity of Biff's father
Biff Monroe -- professional photographer; recently returned to Pine Lake; known for his wild behavior

John Donati* -- Chief of Police in Pine Lake; former husband of April
April Donati* -- former wife of John
Jack Donati -- only child of John and April; waits tables at Taverna

Matt Wilson -- husband of Caroline
Caroline Wilson* -- moved away from Pine Lake, but moved back, bringing Matt with her

Frankie Lassiter -- local drug dealer; recently deceased
Jennifer (Jeni) Lassiter DuMont -- Frankie's sister; recently widowed (with a large inheritance); newly arrived in Pine Lake after the death of her brother

* Nick, Blake, Claire, John, April, and Caroline were all at Pine Lake High School 30 years ago. They share past experiences that even their spouses do not know about.

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